Notes 8/13


To my mind, the moment and them memory are the mysterious quanta at the forefront of human understanding that need to be analyzed, cogitated, measured, and theorized in much the same way as Max Plank's quantic energies of a century ago.  (as explained by Mr. Richard Fyneman)

Meaning and Artwork:

Labor is important in my notion of artwork because of my interest in meaning (semiotics).  In architecture, also, codes and meaning, responsibility for "every mark made on the page", is an a priori supposition.

In woodworking: if every move you make is a pain in the ass, you make sure it's the right move first.

Also in painting.

But, there is the notion that all thought is only precursor or corollary to intuition.  So my paintings are trying to hold both analysis and intuition, calculation and feeling, and are often about that struggle.  Art is the place where message and metaphor flow into each other, content and form embrace fully, and the ability to  generate, experience and sustain meaning can develop, for both viewer and artist. In this way I feel that my trade is essential to the social organism.

A forest for the tree:

Contemporary life, at least to my experience, is categorized by it's inundation of the individual with big, big pictures.  Satellite views.  Meta data.  The cinema, our myth machine, made even more expa(e)nsive and creepy with the advent of digital imaging technology.  

I limit my exposure, consciously, to "main due stream" media.  By this I mean primarily radio, cinema and television broadcasting.  For this activity (due to this capacity), the internet appears to have been a tremendous boon to the individual struggling to maintain there personal freedom of consciousness.  It (The internet) is a filter by which one may sort and focus the massive streams of available information (media) to the modern consumer. *We are but a collection of moments.  Memoirs.  We were never here but were here always, in pristine digital splendor.  At least that's what the contemporary person who spends a lot of time on the internet might think.  It's sort of a party line.  This is understandable.


My friend Hal refers to American Culture in his childhood ( he is a baby boomer) as monolithic.  On the internet and in my life in particular, it feels as if I am looking at the cracks in the foundation of that monolith, and the root truths growing through it.

Mon, 8 36/13

UN debating intervention actions due to evidence of chemical warfare/terrorism in Syria.

*[This continues the ideas of Focoult, Baudrillard and Beuys that in contemporary society, worker/consumer credits (capital) are tied to the world of floating signifiers (consumer goods) thereby]; creating a collection of signs that refer to an individually curated /created aesthetic, taste or style is what amounts to the personality, nee the soul of a human being of all classes, since their actions are not tied to and definite subordinate, but are always fed back into the meta machine, as "personality commodity" (reality show).  We proceed to cannibalism, the closed system…the second law of thermodynamics looses and the perpetual motion machine conserves perfectly all available resources...


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