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I've been learning that art and life is a gradual process of distillation...

trees are the firstborn of sky and earth, and they long to reunite their parents

we begin with the expanse of the elements, the infinite canvas of consciousness and the universe, and begin circling the moments and visions that resonate with our...intuition? What grants a moment, a shape, a sound aesthetic value? A deep deep mystery. Some say it is biology, that it can be linked to survival...that may very well be true. Life attracts life.

a barn is a tree, trying to be a mother

Other theories hold that it is found in psychology, in pattern of symbols that stand in for our experiences and the collective memories of our species. Certain experiences activate our subconscious desires, fears, and memories because of their ability to transcend the individual life-span and exist in perpetuity through cultural systems. These tropes often revolve around ideas of an afterlife, the spirit, the supernatural etc.

....the world ends: fire and freezing become irrelevant

And then there is the advert, the jingle, or the loaded construction. These images tend to activate physical or psychological desires. The mind constructs a symbolic narrative interjecting itself into (or extricating itself from) the image. Then a symbol (usually text or a logo) suggests the means to activate what equates to a fantasy.

some say we are the answer. others, that we are but an interruption. i'm not sure we actually even are.

favorite images from a hard freezing winter, northern San Luis Obispo county, 2012

copyright Jordan Quintero


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