Labor Interests: Words: 1st draft
This is a project. Painting. Drawing. Same thing. Painting (which shall indicate making pices of stuff with stuff on then to sell to people to put in their houses. I know. Crazy. Right?) ANYWAY. State. So. The profound thing to say is Painting is like like the dao. In that it is a thing that has no beginning and know end. That is formless, yet contains all forms. It is a metaphor for being and existence (to paraphrase some french guy to impress a girl ;) sigh It takes so much time and money. Well, I am spending so much time and money. But I feel that it is necessary and completely within the bounds of reason to meet the demands of the things with stuff on them that tec t that I want to make demand of me) to demand of me (R.D. Lang Anyway/ pictures are like money. completely imaginary, but there they are. learned. so. I make pictures. The things with no beginning etc. Lately, I've been using a lot of lines. But what I really want for there to be is olor. Lines are che...