We Are Nothing
Terrifying and wonderful, no? Humility, and a recognition of one's relative insignificance in the meta scheme, is central to an effective Spiritual Practice or to maintain Psychological Equilibrium, or what have you. We are so inundated with the messages "Work" "Act" "Be Like This" "Consume" "Feel This" "Feel That" "Pay No Attention To This" "Freak Out About That" and other existential solicitations (and, frustratingly, often (perhaps only) nothing more than fevered sales pitches of the ambitious and over anxious) that the absence of these directives (try being homeless, or just turning off the internet and your phone) can induce schizotic or even ruptured egoic responses. It can bum you out that your not part of the mad human race, even if it's only for an afternoon, or for a fleeting few minutes when you feel like no one ever returns your calls. It also feels really good to let go of it and actually be outside the mad human world for a moment, when only limbic imperatives limit your consciousness and air is really all you need. (The negative or non imperative state is, paradoxically, highly desirable and thus can present itself as the ever receding carrot. This is how "Rebellion" and "Non-Conformity" and more recently "Green" become such hot commodities.)
Desire-less, I sit and am.
Until I'm not, and that was a lovely moment.
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